Bonus Blog #2: The Secret Garden (1993)

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In the house I grew up in there is a detached garage that sits at the end of the driveway. Along the right side of it is a path to our small backyard, accessible through a white picket fence gate. The walls of the path were overrun with jasmine and ivy; and tall, grassy weeds burst through the concrete path all over. Pulling all the weeds and trimming the greenery was a big job, so often we simply let nature take over for a season or two until we summoned the strength to clear out all the debris. 

I always liked when that path was overgrown, and the tall grass peeked through the slats of the gate. It made that small space feel magical and special somehow, a kind of secret passageway to an unknown world. When I saw The Secret Garden as a young girl, the idea of a place with a hidden door where miraculous things could happen completely captured my imagination and added to my fascination with magic and secrets…

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Bonus Blog #3: Sullivan’s Travels (1941)


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